It gives me a goosebump!!!

WOW!!! jadi kemaren malem gue mutusin buat berangkat ke EX, mau nomat gue. Sampe depan loket, milih-milih akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk nonton film Untraceable.
Film ini dibintangi oleh Diane Lane. Saat gue berpikir tentang Diane Lane, gue selalu beranggapan bahwa she is the ultimate MILF (Mom I Love to Fuck, excuse my French…=P), and the combination of that factor and a premise that this is a thriller movie looks perfect for me at that particular moment.
Saat dimulai gue baru mengerti, oooooo ternyata film ini bercerita tentang kejahatan dunia maya alias internet, the dialogs are a little bit to sloppy and sophisticated at the first 20 minutes, I didn’t have a clue what are they talking about, but afterwards the movie pace just getting more and more exciting.
Gue sih ngeliatnya film ini sebagai gabungan antara film The Net dan The Saw, dan ternyata hasilnya ngak mengecewakan. The idea is quite chilling, sanggup buat bikin elo ketakutan dan dia melakukannya tanpa harus menunjukkan tingkat kesadisan yang hampir mustahil seperti layaknya sequel-sequel Saw. I don’t want to ruin the surprise, you just have to go and watch the movie or buy the DVD and found out what I’m talking about. Gripping thriller and it will haunt you quite a while, 3.5 stars for this one.
Label: resensi movie