Anna Scott Said It Truthfully

"After all... I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her."
Label: romantix patrix
Label: romantix patrix
Rejected, neglected and got left
But everytime i see her smile, my heart melt.
Getting hurt from time to time
But if she is in trouble, i’ll still be there for her anytime.
She break my heart and tear it apart
But still all i want is her heart.
She said, "i don’t love you" and told me to get out of the way
But my stupid heart didn’t know how to feel the other way.
Label: sok puitix
They’re both convinced
that a sudden passion joined them.
Such certainty is beautiful,
but uncertainty is more beautiful still.
Since they’d never met before, they’re sure
that there’d been nothing between them.
But what’s the word from the streets, staircases, hallways -
perhaps they’ve passed by each other a million times?
I want to ask them
if they don’t remember -
a moment face to face
in some revolving door?
perhaps a "sorry" muttered in a crowd?
a curt wrong number" caught in the receiver?
but I know the answer.
No, they don’t remember.
They’d be amazed to hear
that Chance has been toying with them
now for years.
Not quite ready yet
to become their Destiny,
it pushed them close, drove them apart,
it barred their path,
stifling a laugh,
and then leaped aside.
There were signs and signals,
even if they couldn’t read them yet.
Perhaps three years ago
or just last Tuesday
a certain leaf fluttered
from one shoulder to another?
Something was dropped and then picked up.
Who knows, maybe the ball that vanished
into childhood’s thicket?
There were doorknobs and doorbells
where one touch had covered another
Suitcases checked and standing side by side.
One night, perhaps, the same dream
grown hazy by morning.
Every beginning
is only a sequel, after all,
and the book of events
is always open halfway through.
Label: sok puitix
Label: songs
This idea came out on some chit chat about nothing brainstorming session between me, Herman and Dedi on Pomato. This and another idea was a frog using electric racket to catch a fly. The main message was change to survive.
Later on Dedi and his partner for Daun Muda Award Cecil (a very talented art director and illustrator, trust me on this) used the idea and executed it beautifully. I like it so much, just exactly like what i imagined when we talk about it on that brainstorming session.
But unfortunately the idea couldn't deliver them to be top 10 finalists. Personally i like this so much, not just because i had some participation but because it answered the brief on every level. Stupid judges, especially when i saw all the top 10 finalists work, some are very good but the majority are all crap compared to this.
Label: portfolio
This is also my portfolio with Pomato Asia. The case was HSBC was opening a new branch on Mangga Dua, one of the biggest business center in Jakarta with the Chinese people as the majority player, one of the most hard clients to persuade.
So to introduce HSBC to them and show them that we understand their needs, we send a creative brochure just like you see above. For me it's simple and straight to the point work yet had a concept and creative twist in it. Not over the top, not under expectation, just perfectly adequate...=)
Label: portfolio
Label: portfolio
Label: resensi movie
Label: songs
Label: resensi movie