My #1 Movie Of All Time

“I used to think a wedding was a simple affair. Boy and girl meet, they fall in love, he buys a ring, she buys a dress, they say I do. I was wrong. That's getting married. A wedding is an entirely different proposition. I know. I've just been through one. Not my own, my daughter's. Annie Banks Mackenzie. That's her married name: Mackenzie. You fathers will understand. You have a little girl. An adorable little girl who looks up to you and adores you in a way you could never have imagined. I remember how her little hand used to fit inside mine. Then comes the day when she wants to get her ears pierced, and wants you to drop her off a block before the movie theater. From that moment on you're in a constant panic. You worry about her meeting the wrong kind of guy, the kind of guy who only wants one thing, and you know exactly what that one thing is, because it's the same thing you wanted when you were their age. Then, you stop worrying about her meeting the wrong guy, and you worry about her meeting the right guy. That's the greatest fear of all, because, then you lose her.”
Jumat siang, cuaca di luar agak sedikit mendung. Tapi setelah melewati minggu-minggu yang cukup menguras tenaga dan pikiran karena sebuah pitch, gue memutuskan untuk ke Sarinah mencari DVD. “Eh makan siangnya ke seberang aja yuk,” ajak gue ke temen-temen gue. “Ayuk,” jawab Farah. “Boleh-boleh aja,” sahut Hengky. “Iiiiihhhhh kan mau ujan,” keluh Erryn. Tapi berhubung kantor gue adalah kantor yang demokratis dimana segala sesuatu hal ditentukan oleh suara terbanyak, akhirnya mau enggak mau Erryn harus rela menyeret kakinya ke Sarinah.
Akhirnya berangkatlah gue, Farah, Hengky, Erryn, dan Gyta menuju Sarinah, berjalan kaki dipayungi mega mendung di siang hari dan tiupan angin hujan yang sepoi membelai kulit. Pertama yang kita tuju adalah tempat DVD, pikir-pikir mau curi start biar enggak terlalu rame. Ternyata yang punya pikiran seperti itu bukan kita saja, alhasil ya sama aja, alih-alih memilih DVD dengan tenang dan santai kita tetep aja desak-desakkan dan kepanasan.
Tapi untungnya semua usaha itu terbayar, karena out of the blue gue menemukan DVD yang selama ini gue cari-cari bajakannya. Film favorit gue sepanjang masa, yang karena hampir frustasi enggak pernah nemu bajakannya nyaris gue pesen dari Amrik lewat Amazon. Tapi untungnya pepatah orang sabar disayang Tuhan itu ada benarnya, n God Bless para pembajak itu yang telah berbaik hati membajak Father of the Bride.
A sweet family drama about letting go. It has funny moments, touching moments, and memorable quotes. The cast is top notch Steve Martin, Diane Keaton, & Martin Short. A great light movie that’s worth your time. Trust me, if you have the chance to find it, go watch it.
Label: resensi movie
1 Komentar:
kok ga ada gwe? gwe kemana???
Anak Batak, Pada
16 April 2009 pukul 19.59
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