Box Office Hattrick!

So hari sabtu kemarin suddenly all of my friend menghilang seperti ditelan bumi, ngak ada kabar sama sekali. But it’s not a problem, toh masih banyak stock DVD yang belum gue tonton. Sebenernya gue jarang banget membuat DVD yang uda gue beli terbengkalai dan ngak tertonton seperti sekarang, tapi semenjak 2 bulan lalu saat rumah gue direnovasi, akhirnya hobi nonton DVD agak terkena imbasnya.
So anyway, untuk pemanasan gue memilih film western koboi 3:10 To Yuma, western is not my favorite genre to be honest but what can go wrong when you have Christian Bale and Russell Crowe in one screen. And boy am I right or what. Ceritanya simple and straight forward, Russell Crowe is the charismatic notoriously genius outlaw and Christian Bale is the tough focus father eager to make his son proud of him. A very macho and manly drama kind of movie. A must see, 4 stars for this movie.
Sesi kedua adalah The Hunting Party, film thriller tentang jurnalis yang berusaha menangkap penjahat perang. Berlatar belakang perang Bosnia, film ini mampu memberikan perspektif tentang bagaimana kerasnya pekerjaan menjadi seorang jurnalis perang, the tragedy and the madness you have to witness, sedikit banyak pasti akan merasuki dan menjadi luka emosional yang tak bisa disembuhkan. A great and moving drama movie with a war background. Really recommended, 3.5 stars for this movie.
The showtime is when I saw the third movie. Karena berpikir ngak mau terlalu banyak mikir lagi, gue pilihlah film Superbad dengan ekspektasi bahwa this gonna be another American Pie movie. And ternyata istilah save the best for last bener-bener terbukti disini. It’s the most hilarious teen movie I’ve ever seen in my life, ngak ada yang bisa dijadikan bahan compare, karena Superbad ya seperti Superbad, you have to watch it yourself to understand what I’m trying to describe. Humor-humornya segar, it’s the movie where you can genuinely rooting for the loser hahahaha. Go watch it, and if you disappointed you can Godsmack me on my fucking balls, 4.5 stars for this one.
Label: resensi movie
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